this is me, the face behind the earrings & boy do I appreciate you for stepping into my little creative corner of the world! Find out a little bit more about my little creative soul below :)

Hey guys, I’m Trish!

I am 25 years old and I currently live in Ohio… but I’m dreaming of that ocean view one day.(if you’ve got room for a few more let me know, i come with cool earrings & a cute pup, hehehe) I am a one woman show creating all pieces start to finish which is why its a slow & beautiful process.

From a young age I had always been deep into Art, specifically life drawing. I grew up on a huge cattle farm, so there was always an abundance of cute animals to draw, my favorite being our barn kittens. Throughout school I was constantly making art in any medium i could…. when I graduated I slowly started taking custom orders for portraits & custom signs. When I would take commissions, I always ended up finishing the project feeling run down, and unmotivated to create more. this was weird because I had always LOVED to draw, but i really wasn’t feeling the passion with this creative outlet.. I slowly let art slip out of my life…and adult life just slowly started to take over. after a year of not creating that felt like SO much longer, I stumbled into the clay aisle of hobby lobby. (oopsies) I had been eyeing some polymer clay for months and finally took the plunge. Just one block of clay, what could it hurt? little did I know that one block of clay was the start of something so beautiful.

this craft, this business, this life. This is something I didn't even know I was missing out on. before I stumbled upon the jewelry making community, I had been struggling to be passionate. but you guys have lit a spark in me that I was so desperately missing. you have made me whole. so thank you.

When I’m not creating new goodies like a madwoman, I waitress at a sports bar, and work part time as a Hand-lettering Artist. but I spend my free time spoiling my dogs, Leia & Hazel, & my boyfriend Jonathan (;

I am a former percussion instructor, and I am super passionate about all things related to music, & broadway. One time I made my mom sit through a total of 72 hours of drumlines in three days.. I also listen to broadway show tunes when I workout.. so believe me when I say i’m obsessed. you can find me binging a new shows playlist regularly!!

my favorite food is and will always be pizza, you can never go wrong with a good slice of za :) i grew up a picky eater but have been putting in the effort to try new things! bubble tea is my favorite lil treat to get myself & I will always say yes to dancing in the rain like its my last day on earth. especially if there is also bubble tea involved ;)

I have been slowly but surely checking off new exotic places on my travel bucketlist.. a few of my favorite life memories have been experienced in foreign cities. one day i hope to run away and get married in Barcelona…. but thats a whole different story.

anywhoo, thanks for supporting me in this journey of mine, and Im so excited for whats to come!


- Trisha